Ground calcium carbonate (GCC) ball mill
Brand IVA Shanghai
Product origin Shanghai
Delivery time 90-120 days
Supply capacity 15
Ground calcium carbonate (GCC) ball mill
A group of minerals named calcium carbonate which is usually ground and used as white fillers in plastic, rubber, paints and many other industrial fields. A dry grinding ball mill is commonly applied to the grinding process. However, the configuration of the ground calcium carbonate (GCC) ball mill is totally different from that of tube mill of cement industry. The mechanism of grinding takes place with minimum of impact and attrition energy. The products from the ground calcium carbonate (GCC) ball mill has wide range of products with quite lot of fine and ultra-fine particles which cover the versatile demand in filler market with quantity supply. These characteristics determine the important position of ball mill in the ground calcium carbonate (GCC) market.
It has the following advantages:
-An economic way for mineral fillers production
-Suitable for large-scale industrial production
-Supplier with quantity qualified products to end users
-Environment friendly design
The features:
● The ground calcium carbonate (GCC) ball mill is used for fine or ultrafine grinding of calcite, limestone, marble, dolomite, chalk, talc, baryte, and many other mineral fillers in dry form.
● The ground calcium carbonate (GCC) ball mills are tailor-made based on requirement of the final product in combination with the material grindability for energy saving
● The optimal D/L ratio of the drum helps avoid overgrinding.
● The ground calcium carbonate (GCC) ball mill has special form of liner and high load of cylpebs that results in high grinding efficiency and more fine and ultrafine content..
● The slot wall of th mill enables to use finer grinding media to achieve highest performance on fine and ultra-fine products.
● At the end of the ball mill an aspiratory opening replaces a de-dusting filter keeping the environment friendly.
● Free arrangement of the drive station suits for limited space.
● The ball mill made in a sturdy welded structure guarantees a long service life.